
Neurodevelopment Network - Lunch & Learn

10 September 2024

Neurodevelopment Network - Lunch & Learn NZ Series

Implications to practice:
The Perceptions and Concerns of Parents who have a Child with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

12pm - 12.30pm  |  Tuesday 10 September, 2024  |  Hosted on Zoom

Facilitator: Donna Smith
Guest Speaker: Brigid Hitchcock

In this session, Donna Smith will facilitate small group discussions on the implications of last month’s L&L with Brigid Hitchcock on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and the ways it influences children’s occupations from a parent’s perspective, as well as the difficulties experienced navigating the health and education sectors.

Last month's presentation generated a great discussion (please see the attached Q&A sheet). This session is an opportunity for the health professionals to discuss the challenges (including geographical challenges) and opportunities when working with children with DCD. 

To enhance learning and active participation in the knowledge translation session we invite you to watch the recording of last month’s session.

Three questions to think about ahead of the Knowledge Translation session, which we will collaboratively discuss are:

  1. How can we deliver services in a way that supports caregivers to enhance their children’s participation in occupation?
  2. What sort of activities may be best suited to a child with DCD?
  3. What are some of the resources and ways we can work around barriers to support service delivery?

Access the session here

Additional info

Links to pre readings and resources for participants:

Hitchcock, B., Hocking, C., & Jones, M. (2020). The perceptions and concerns of mothers raising a child with developmental coordination disorder. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(3), 23-30

Zwicker, J. G., Suto, M., Harris, S. R., Vlasakova, N., & Missiuna, C. (2018). Developmental coordination disorder is more than a motor problem: Children describe the impact of daily struggles on their quality of life. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81(2), 65-73.

Jasmin, E., Té treault, S., Lariviè re, N., & Joly, J. (2018). Participation and needs of children with developmental coordination disorder at home and in the community: Perceptions of children and parents. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 73, 1-13.doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2017.12.011.

Contact us

If you would like to join our mailing list, have a suggestion for a topic or are interested in presenting at one of our workshops, please get in touch.

For any technical issues or queries please reach out to the Neurodevelopment Network Project Coordinator, Kati Wilson, by email to [email protected] or phone: 021 237 9903.