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Paediatric Society of New Zealand backs expanded ADHD treatment access in new submission

Added 2nd October 2024


Paediatric Society of New Zealand backs expanded ADHD treatment access in new submission

The Paediatric Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) has submitted a formal statement supporting Pharmac’s proposals to improve ADHD treatment accessibility in Aotearoa. The submission backs two key changes: funding lisdexamfetamine for ADHD treatment and removing renewal criteria for stimulant medications, simplifying the pathway for ongoing treatment.

The society’s submission highlights the following:

  • Proposal to fund lisdexamfetamine: PSNZ supports this move, noting that lisdexamfetamine offers an effective alternative for those who do not respond well to current treatments like methylphenidate or face challenges with multiple daily doses of dexamfetamine.

  • Removal of renewal criteria for stimulant treatments: PSNZ advocates for the removal of specialist review requirements for ongoing stimulant medication prescriptions. The society believes this change will alleviate the stress and financial burden faced by patients, particularly young adults transitioning from paediatric to adult care, and address accessibility barriers in the state-funded mental health system.

The submission also expresses concern over the disproportionate impact of current renewal criteria on Māori and Pacific peoples, citing data from Pharmac’s Mental Health Advisory Committee.


This submission was initially prepared by Dr Andrew Marshall, Paediatrician and Clinical Director at Te Whatu Ora, Capital Coast and Hutt Valley. It was then reviewed, edited, and endorsed by:

  • Dr Garth Smith, General and Developmental Paediatrician, Te Whatu Ora, Nelson Marlborough
  • Louise McDermott, Pharmacist Prescriber, Te Whatu Ora, Canterbury

PSNZ extends its sincere thanks to these professionals for their collaboration and dedication in preparing this submission. Their combined efforts ensure that tamariki in Aotearoa have better access to the treatment they need. Their combined efforts play a critical role in advancing equitable healthcare for our communities.

For more details, members are encouraged to review the full submission on the website here or below. 

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